The Organs and Bodies of the Community
The Principal Organs of the Community, The Conference of Heads of Government (The Conference) and the Community Council of Ministers (The Council) are assisted by five Organs, three “Bodies” and the CARICOM Secretariat.
The Organs are:
The Bodies are:
The Budget Committee: This Committee examines the draft work programme and budget of the Secretariat and makes recommendations to the Community Council.
The Committee of Central Bank Governors: This Committee provides recommendations to the Council for Finance and Planning (COFAP) on monetary and financial matters.
The Legal Affairs Committee (LAC): This Committee comprises Attorneys-General and Ministers of Legal Affairs and replaces the Standing Committee responsible for Legal Affairs. Its function is to advise the Organs and other Bodies of the Community.
The CARICOM Committee of Ambassadors (NEW): Heads of Government agreed to establish the CARICOM Committee of Ambassadors (CCA) as a Body of the Community and also approved its Terms of Reference. The role of the CARICOM Ambassadors is to facilitate the implementation of the Strategic Plan. In this context, several CARICOM Ambassadors were integrally involved in the national consultations on the Strategic Plan, in their capacity as Change Drivers. Read more
The CARICOM Secretariat
The CARICOM Secretariat (CCS) is the Principal Administrative Organ of the Caribbean Community and has a mandate to provide a wide range of services to promote and deepen regional integration of the Community. These services include research and development; co-ordination of the activities of donor agencies, and international regional and national institutions; project development and management; dissemination of information; foreign and community relations; technical cooperation and servicing of meetings of the various Organs of the Community.
The Mission Statement:
To contribute, in support of Member States, to the improvement of the quality of life of the People of the Community and the development of an innovative and productive society in partnership with institutions and groups working towards attaining a people-centred, sustainable and internationally competitive Community.