The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) in partnership with the Government of Belize, and key industry stakeholders, officially launched the ‘Building the Adaptive Capacity of Sugarcane Farmers in Northern Belize’ (BAC-SuF) project. The launch took place at Escuela Secundaria Técnica México (Secondary and Vocational School of Mexico) in Corozal....

Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Heads of Government will meet in Barbados, 19-21 February 2025, for their 48th Regular Meeting which will be convened under the theme: Strength in Unity: Forging Caribbean Resilience, Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development. Heads of Government will discuss several pressing issues for the Community, including food and nutrition security, climate change and the climate finance agenda; the ongoing challenges in Haiti; security issues; digital resilience; external relations matters and the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME). Other issues such as maritime and air transport, and reparations will also occupy the attention of the leaders over the two-day period.