The Council for National Security and Law Enforcement (CONSLE)
The Council for National Security and Law Enforcement (CONSLE) is responsible for the coordination of the multi-dimensional nature of security, to ensure a safe and stable Community.
Article 17a of the Revised Treaty states that the Council, which comprises Ministers designated by the Members of the Community, shall:
- Promote the development and implementation of a common regional security strategy to complement the national security strategies of Members of the Community; and
- Establish and promote measures designed to –
- Combat and eliminate threats to national and regional security;
- Ensure the expeditious and efficient mobilisation and deployment of regional resources in order to manage and defuse national and regional security crises and to combat serious crimes in consultation with the relevant Member States;
- Preserve the territorial integrity of the Member States; and
- Gather, share and manage intelligence
3. Establish measures to increase cooperation in mutual legal assistance in criminal matters among Members of the Community;
4. Promote, in conjunction with Ministers responsible for Legal Affairs or Attorneys-General of Members of the Community or both, national justice systems;
5. Give policy and overall directions concerning the activities and programmes of the Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (IMPACS)
6. Promote functional cooperation with the Organs of the Community referred to in Article 10 paragraph 2, in the pursuit of the Community’s goal for the prevention and elimination of crime and violence and the promotion of a safe and secure environment within the Members of the Community;
7. Establish strategic partnerships with third States and regional and international agencies in the furtherance of regional security and the Community as a zone of peace with stable democracies; and
8. Undertake any additional functions assigned to it by the Conference arising under this Treaty.
9. The CONSLE was incorporated into the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas by way of a Protocol which was opened for signature in March 2009.
Last Updated: 28 January 2016