Historically there has been an imbalance in opportunity, value and expectation between women and men. This has contributed to the root causes of gender inequality, including the most egregious form of gender-based discrimination, that of gender-based violence.
As the world moves forward towards implementing and localising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) it is critical to remember that Gender equality is an essential factor in the ability of a country to attain sustainable development and that women’s empowerment is a core element in attaining gender equality. We must Step it Up for Gender Equality – Agenda 50/50 by 2030 .
A real and lived Gender equality is essential for young women and girls to speak out and up for their rights, and for young men and boys to be freed from negative stereotypes of masculinity; a real and lived gender equality allows for women and girls, men and boys to realise their full potential.
All Caribbean countries have ratified the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), which binds countries to taking actions to remove all forms of discrimination that they face.
How do they connect? We’ve started linking it and encourage you to find the additional connections and linkages: Gender Equality, Women’s Rights and the SDGs- Link- It!