The Staff Association of the Caribbean Community Secretariat‘s initiative to assist the students of Dominica was given a boost with the contribution of US$1,000 towards the Back-to-School Supplies Drive.
Mr. Andreas Taeuber, Head, REETA Project in presenting the contribution to Ms. Mignon Bowen–Phillips, President, Staff Association also took the opportunity to applaud the manner in which the staff of the Secretariat and the people of the Community have supported Dominica in its hour of need.
In response, Ms. Bowen-Phillips expressed gratitude for the generous support received from the REETA project and indicated that it will assist the students who are in need of supplies for the new school year. This contribution will add to the Staff Association’s initiative to provide schools bags, note books, crayons, pens and pencils and other stationary supplies to the students of Dominica who were affected by Tropical Storm Erika.
The Staff Association of the CARICOM Secretariat is the recognised body that promotes and safeguards the welfare, interests and rights of its members.
In a show of support to the students of Dominica who were affected by Tropical Storm Erika, the Staff Association of the Caribbean Community Secretariat (CARICOM) Secretariat launched a Back-To-School Supplies Drive to prepare bundles of school supplies to be sent to Dominica.
This presentation represented the second contribution from the REETA project to the Dominica Disaster Recovery Plan.