Closing Date: March 8, 2021


The Consulting Firm is expected to:

(i) Provide an assessment of the current status of each Institution;
(ii) Make recommendations to make the Institutions fit for purpose and effective in delivery considering all options such as synergies, mergers, closures and reorganisation considering the resource constraints of the Community;
(iii) The Consulting Firm will consult with all fifteen (15) Member States in relation to the extent that their proposals at (ii) meet priority and anticipated needs and to gain an understanding of how functional cooperation can be increased;
(iv) Provide a conclusive report, which answers the three questions posed by the Heads of Government for the 17 Community Institutions: – a) Are they fit for purpose? b) Are they effective in delivery? and c) Would the Region be harmed were they to be closed?; and make recommendations that will make the Institutions fit for purpose and effective in delivery for the foreseeable future as well as improving their delivery of equitable and gender-sensitive services to Member States.

  1. Number and titles of lots
    One (1) lot only
  2. Maximum budget
    CAN $ 1,386, 750
  3. Scope for additional services
    The CARICOM Secretariat may, at its discretion, extend the project in duration and/or scope subject to the availability of funding up to a maximum not exceeding the length and value of the initial contract. Any extension of the contract would be subject to satisfactory performance by the Consultant.


  1. Eligibility

Participation is open to all natural persons and legal persons participating either individually or in a grouping (consortium) of tenderers of any nationality. Participation is also open to international organisations.

  1. Candidature
    All eligible natural and legal persons (as per clause 9 above) or groupings of such persons (consortia) may apply.
    A consortium may be a permanent, legally-established grouping or a grouping that has been constituted informally for a specific tender procedure. All members of a consortium (i.e. the leader and all other members) are jointly and severally liable to the CARICOM Secretariat.
  2. Number of EOIs
    No more than one (1) Expression of Interest (EOI) may be submitted by a natural or legal person, whatever the form of participation (as an individual legal entity or as leader or member of a consortium submitting an EOI). In the event that a natural or legal person submits more than one EOI, all EOIs in which that person has participated will be excluded.
  3. Shortlist alliances prohibited
    Any tenders received from tenderers comprising firms other than those mentioned in the short-listed EOI will be excluded from this Open Tender procedure unless prior approval from the CARICOM Secretariat has been obtained. Short-listed consultants may not form alliances or subcontract to each other for the contract in question.
  4. Grounds for exclusion
    As part of the EOI, consultants must submit a signed declaration, included in the standard EOI form, to the effect that they are not in any of the exclusion situations listed in Clause 13 of Module 2 of the CARICOM Secretariat’s Guidelines and Procedures Manual (GPM) available at: 23-Oct-20-1.pdf
  5. Sub-contracting
    Subcontracting is Not allowed.
  6. Number of consultants to be short-listed
    On the basis of the EOIs received, between 3-6 consultants will be invited to submit detailed tenders for this contract. If the number of eligible consultants meeting the
    selection criteria is less than the minimum of 3, the CARICOM Secretariat may invite the consultants who satisfy the criteria to submit a tender.


Shortlist Notice

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