The CARICOM Digital Skills Task Force will begin a series of public virtual Consultations from 7 July to 30 August 2022, from 2pm – 4pm Eastern Standard time, via Zoom.
The Consultations aim to garner perspectives, views, and suggestions about developing a robust digital skills programme for all CARICOM citizens.
It targets stakeholders in various sectors such as Private Sector; Artists, Artisans and Entertainers; Security Sector; NGOs, CSOs, and Cooperatives; Persons with Disabilities; Justice Sector; Educators, Education and Human Resource Development; Elderly Persons; ICT Agencies; Youth; Emergency Agencies; Religious Organisations; Sports and Wellness; Mayors and Local Government Agencies (LGAs); and CARICOM Regional Organisations.

The Consultations will comprise a presentation by international or regional specialists/experts; sharing by participants of the consultation on existing and proposed initiatives, and enablers and challenges in digital skills, and determining the main inputs to be reflected in the Digital Skills Report and recommendations for inputs into the digital skills strategy.
The CARICOM Digital Skills Task Force was launched and began its work in September 2021, in response to a mandate from the Council for Human and Social Development (COHSOD), in November 2020. – to advance digital skills in the region for economic and social development and provide technical guidance on the development of digital skills and capability levels across the skills spectrum in CARICOM.
It is envisaged that the Task Force will interrogate the digital skills gaps at all points, from the specialised high-level Information and Communications Technology (ICT) skills, to the skills needed by all CARICOM citizens to live, work and participate in a digital economy and society. More information can be sourced at:
The CARICOM Digital Skills Taskforce Workplan – which was approved by the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) on Information and Communication Technology (ICT), in February 2022 envisages Consultations on Digital Skills as a critical step towards developing a digital skills strategy and programme for the citizens of the region.
The public is invited to participate in the various sectoral Consultations, which can be accessed via this link: