The premier Agri-Food Investment Forum and Expo will be held on May 19 – 21, 2022 at the Arthur Chung Convention Center under the theme: “Investing in Vision 25 by 2025”. The overall goal of this important event is to achieve the 25% by 2025 vision of reducing regional food imports by fostering accelerated and targeted investment in agriculture and food production and its business ecosystem within CARICOM member states.
Increased investment in agriculture and food production is critical for unlocking potentials for significantly reducing the almost US$6 Billion in food imports and therefore achieving the 25% x 2025 food import reduction target. The event forum is geared towards the promotion, engagement, and informed dialogue among key
stakeholders along the agri-food value chain —policymakers, development partners, foreign and local private investors, farmers, distributers—on how investment could be encouraged. Stakeholders within the industry will be able to exhibit their products and services, network with others both directly and indirectly affected by the industry and acquire high-level investment and marketing exposure.
A forum involving High-Level Meetings of Ministers, Donors and the Private Sector will be held simultaneously. This will include meetings parallel with technical sessions and marketplace. Each session will have a chairperson, moderator and several panelists who will facilitate discussions on thematic issues of investment opportunities in each CARICOM states’ agricultural sector and will be available to address specific issues to promote expanded partnership, and support accelerated investment, industrialization and time-bound results in CARICOM state.