Over a quarter of businesses in the Caribbean have not been able to meet their digitisation goals. This was revealed by PricewaterhouseCoopers in its Caribbean Digital Readiness Survey 2021.
In the survey, 42% of respondents believed they were on target to meet their goals while 28% said they were ahead. Only 15% believe that their digital fitness is on a par with or ahead of the leaders in their industry.
More than 80% of businesses in the survey are focusing their digital strategy on modernising their brand with new capabilities ahead of doing what they’ve always done faster and more efficiently. The survey finds that 56% of companies expect at least 30% of their employees to work remotely more than one day a week a year from now. However, for Caribbean organisations, further upskilling is critical. 46% of respondents believe their organisation is behind in training workers with skills for the digital era. (LOOPTT)
Extract from the CARICOM BUSINESS News Letter Vol. 4 No. 7
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