KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) – A sexual and reproductive health information programme, to teach parents how to talk to their children about sex, is among several strategies proposed by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in addressing adolescent pregnancy.
The strategy is one of five elements outlined in a CARICOM/UNFPA Integrated Strategic Framework, aimed at reducing the number of adolescent pregnancies in each country of the English and Dutch speaking Caribbean, by at least 20 per cent by the year
The UNFPA has embarked on a public education campaign aimed at highlighting elements of the Framework for implementation and reducing adolescent pregnancy in the Caribbean.
“We have been working with our partners. It is a multi-sectoral approach. It is not for one agency to be doing and it involves everyone, the schools, communities, churches, parents, adolescents, everybody,” she said.
Roseau stated that the framework was developed when the Council for Human and Social Development for Caricom “recognised the high prevalence rate of adolescent pregnancy in the region.”
“UNFPA serves English and Dutch speaking Caribbean and in the Caribbean region, 20 percent of women have had at least one child by the age of 19 years,” she said, adding that a considerable percentage of adolescent girls become pregnant before the age of 15 years.
She said the matter of adolescent pregnancy was addressed by Caricom Member States at a Caribbean Cooperation in Health meeting held in 2011 when it was agreed that something be done about it.
After several consultations, she said a draft framework was presented and approved at a high level meeting with dignitaries of Caribbean countries in December 2013.