Protocol to Amend Article 83 of the Revised Treaty



Protocol to amend Article 83 of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas establishing the Caribbean Community including the CARICOM Single Market and EconomyBuccament, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, 11 March 2014


To ensure that the Common External Tariff is able to respond to developments at the Community and International levels. To clarify the procedure and the terminology.

Date of Ratification:

Antigua and Barbuda (17 September 2018)
Barbados (27 February 2018)
Jamaica (25 November 2014)
Guyana (11 August 2014)
Grenada (29 September 2015)
Suriname (20 July 2016)

Date of Signature:

Antigua and Barbuda (11 March 2014)
Barbados (11 March 2014)
Belize (10 June 2015)
Dominica (11 March 2014)
Grenada (11 March 2014)
St. Vincent and the Grenadines (11 March 2014)
Suriname (20 May 2014)
Guyana (2 July 2014)
St. Kitts and Nevis (4 July 2014)
Saint Lucia (3 July 2014)
Jamaica (26 September 2014)
Trinidad and Tobago (16 January 2015)
Haiti (29 April 2015)

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