PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad – In the opinion of Jon Berryhill, the IT expert contracted by lawyer Israel Khan to review the package of e-mail documents read in Parliament by Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley, “There is nothing that is believable in any of it.” His verdict on the documents read into Hansard by Dr Rowley in May mirrored the evaluations offered by local IT professionals.
Mr Khan’s initiative in engaging the opinion of Mr Berryhill seemed to be partially another attempt to “take in front” by pre-empting the findings of the police investigation into the issue. But it also provided the foundation for his accusation on Monday that the police were dragging their feet on the investigation.
While the Prime Minister and the Attorney General have paid lip service to the capacity of the Police Service to pursue the investigation into the e-mail documents, Mr Khan’s comments, and his production of an American IT expert, are an unexpected twist in this still-unfolding story.