Request for Expression of Interest – National Communication and Strategic Engagement Consultant, Saint Lucia

Closing Date: May 13, 2022


The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (the Centre) has receivedfinancing from Green Climate Fund (GCF), toward the cost of the project titled Enhancing Saint Lucia’s understanding, capacity, institutional and strategic frameworks to access climate finance for low-emission climate resilient pathways  and hereby invites suitably qualified individual consultants to submit Expressions of Interest for the contract National Communication and Strategic Engagement Consultant ” (the Services).

All suitably qualified Individual Consultants are invited to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) which should include the following application documents:

i)  Letter of motivation outlining motivation and how your experience, skills, qualifications and professional networks fit with the required job description

ii) Curriculum vitae or Résumé with full details of experience, achievements, qualifications, and name of the consultant

iii) Contact details of three (3) project references

For additional information, please pursue the following documents including the Terms of Reference, Draft Contract and Consultant Eligibility Criteria here.

Requests for Clarification: email: Attention: Andrea Tillett, Procurement Officer. Requests for clarification should be received by the Centre no later than: Tuesday, 3rd May 2022.

Deadline for submission:  on or before 2:00pm Friday, 13th May 2022.

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