National Readiness Consultant for coordination of knowledge management, communications, digitization, and stakeholder engagement activities.

Closing Date: March 19, 2021


The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (the Centre) has receivedfinancing from Green Climate Fund (GCF), toward the cost of the project titled Enhancing Saint Lucia’s understanding, capacity, institutional and strategic frameworks to access climate finance for low-emission climate resilient pathways  and intends to apply part of the proceeds towards the contracting of a National Readiness Consultant for coordination of knowledge management, communications, digitization, and stakeholder engagement activities. 

The Centre now invites eligible qualified consultants to submit their Expression of Interest covering the points outlined in the TOR below and accompanied by the application documents.

For further details, peruse the full REOI here.

Deadline for submission of EOI is on or before 2:00pm (GMT-6), Friday, 19 March 2021.

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