(IUCN-ORMACC)  Requires   Professional Consultancy Services for “Development of Business Model for ABS in the Caribbean Region”

Closing Date: September 11, 2018


The Regional Office for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean of the

International Union for Conservation of Nature








“Development of Business Model for ABS in the Caribbean Region”


Type of Contract:






September to December 2018




Person Responsible for Supervision:


Melesha Banhan, Project Coordinator “Advancing the Nagoya Protocol in Countries of the Caribbean Region”




About the IUCN

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) helps the world find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environment and development challenges.

IUCN work focuses on valuing and conserving nature, ensuring effective and equitable governance of its use, and deploying nature-based solutions to global challenges in climate, food and development. IUCN supports scientific research, manages field projects all over the world, and brings governments, NGOs, the United Nations and companies together to develop policy, laws and best practice.

IUCN is the oldest and largest environmental organisation in the world, with more than 1,300 government and NGO members and around 10,000 volunteer experts in some 160 countries. Its work is supported by a team of over 950 people in more than 50 offices and hundreds of partners in public, NGO and private sectors around the world.

About the Project

The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources arising from their utilization is an international agreement which aims at sharing the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources in a fair and equitable way. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) adopted the Nagoya Protocol at its tenth meeting on 29 October 2010 in Nagoya, Japan, and the protocol entered into force in October 2014.

The Caribbean islands are of critical importance for global biodiversity conservation as large percentages of each species group are endemic to the region and often to particular islands and levels of endemism are very high in the region: thus, 50 per cent of the plant life of the Caribbean is unique. These high valued genetic resources in the Caribbean are under threat due to land degradation, climate change, and pollution from nutrients, unsustainable use and invasive alien species. The Nagoya Protocol offers the opportunity to make the best possible use of these genetic resources, generate and share benefits derived from their utilization, and return some of the revenue generated from these activities to the protection of the resources and the development of the countries where they were sourced.

To support countries of the Caribbean to facilitate access to their genetic resources and benefit sharing in a fair and equitable way, in line with the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, Regional Office for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean (IUCN-ORMACC) executes the GEF funded project: “Advancing the Nagoya Protocol in countries of the Caribbean Region” through the Biodiversity and Rights Unit.                        

Specifically, the Project objective seeks the uptake of the Nagoya Protocol and implementation of key measures to make the protocol operational in eight Caribbean countries (Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago). The project aims to overcome barriers linked to poor understanding of the Nagoya Protocol and ABS and the implications of protocol ratification and requirements for implementation.


About the Consultancy

As interests continues to spike around the world for the information on ABS issues in the Caribbean region as well as to foster the dissemination of information on ABS within the region, both individuals and governments across the Caribbean Region are working collectively to implement various activities including an economic review of the benefits of ABS issues in the region.

It is to that end, this consultancy is centered on development of a business model for maximizing the economic potential for ABS issues in the region. This ToR is issued under component three of the project which seeks the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol by establishing an enabling environment for the implementation of basic provisions of the Protocol. This consultancy will result in the development of a business model that can be used as a tool in the decision making process of the relevant countries.



2.1. General:

  1. Development of a business model for Countries of the Caribbean which highlights multiple economic scenarios possible through regulated bio-prospecting available as a tool for countries in their national decision-making processes on ABS.

2.2. Specific:

  1. Assess the economic situation with regards to ABS for each of the eight project countries. The Assessment will determine whether or not based on the economic condition in the country there is likelihood of considering or addressing economic growth based on genetic resources.
  2. Identify the various economic scenarios possible through regulated bio-prospecting available to each of the eight project countries. Economic scenarios will provide options of what economic possibilities exists, what avenues for financial gain are available and could be recommended if there is regulated bio-prospecting.
  3. Using the data collected in points 2.2.1 and 2.2.2, develop a stakeholder validated type business plan for use in fostering financing and economic resources generation for regulated bio prospecting in the eight countries. Produce the business plan as a decision making tool for the eight countries.
  4. As part of the business model, ensure the development of a resource mobilization strategy for the long term in making an argument to promote regulated bio-prospecting in the Caribbean region particularly the eight project countries currently included in the project “Advancing the Nagoya Countries in the Caribbean Region”




  • Product 1: Inception report containing detailed presentation of methodology in completing the assignment, economic assessment for ABS financing in each of the eight project countries, table of contents for the final document to be submitted.
  • Product 2: First draft of the business model with inclusions of possible economic scenarios from regulated bioprospecting in each country.
  • Product 3: Final business model with suggestions for tailoring to each project country.



4.1. Activities and programming[1]

Initial phase and specific objectives























Inception Report

Identify methodology to be used in developing the business model

















Complete economic assessment for all eight project countries

















 Develop table of contents for the final Business Model

















Liaise with project country focal points  as necessary to obtain relevant information

















Liaise with the IUCN team on all activities

















Delivery of product 1

















Draft Business Model

Assess various economic scenarios from regulated bio-prospecting for each country

















Determine the most appropriate economic scenario for each country

















Liaise with the IUCN team when needed

















Consult with the relevant stakeholders in each country on the business model being developed

















Review potential long term resource mobilization strategies to include in business model

















Formulate a draft business model

















Delivery of product 2

















Final Busiess Model

Incorporate comments from the review of the draft business model

















Finalize draft business module after review of IUCN and relevant persons

















Include an annex relevant to each country for the tailoring of the business model to their context

















Complete final business model

















Delivery of product 3






















  1.  Timetable for delivery of products:



Expected date of delivery

Percentage of pay

Products 1

October 19, 2018


Product 2

November 21, 2018


Products 3

December , 122018




– All products will be paid once delivered to IUCN’s complete satisfaction.

-Disbursements will depend on the availability of funds from the donor.




  • Cover Letter: includes the candidate’s specific technical competencies in the area of the consultancy


  • Curricula vitae


  • Technical and financial proposal


If a company or group of consultants is applying, the proposal should include the following additional information:


  • Person in charge of the consultancy


  • Composition of the consultant team, specialty of each member (include CV)


  • Each member’s role and responsibility in activities/products in accordance with ToR




  • Academic background of economics, financial management, Business Management or related field.
  • At least 5 years’ experience in doing similar consultancies.
  • Residence in Caribbean is a plus
  • Outstanding English writing skills.
  • Familiarity with ABS issues in the Caribbean region a plus
  • Experience in economic valuation of natural resources is an asset
  • Efficiency in the use of Microsoft Office.




The period of the consultancy will be 3.5 months.


Form of work (with Unit/Project): To achieve the products from this service, the candidate is required to work closely with the project manager Ms Maria Pia Hernandez and the project coordinator, Mrs. Melesha Banhan, The consultant will also be required to work closely with the project focal points for all eight project countries. All work completed must be submitted to the Project Coordinator for review, approval and payment.


  1. Other Expenses


  • Taxes, life and medical security insurance costs will be assumed by the consultant.
  • Banking fees associated to payments that are charged by the consultant’s bank will be covered by the consultant.
  • Travel expenses associated with this consultancy will be covered separately by the Biodiversity and Rights Unit, IUCN-ORMACC, according to the rates established for non-IUCN staff and IUCN procedures for reimbursement.
  • Banking fees associated with payments that are charged by the consultant’s bank will be covered by the consultant




Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:


  • Technical Proposal that includes activities, methodology and timetable: 50%
  • Experience, technical profile and references regarding previous consultancies in similar areas: 30%
  • Price Proposal, which includes all expenses involved in carrying out this work: 20%





The proposal must be sent to: sofia.madrigal@iucn.org, under the reference “Development of Business Model for ABS in the Caribbean Region by (September 24th , 2018) at the latest.



[1] Note these are proposed estimated timelines that may be adjusted as necessary

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