Invitation to Tender Relaunch: Preparation of Roof Catchment Area and plumbing from Tanks to School, Vieux Fort, Saint Lucia

Closing Date: July 23, 2022


The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (the Centre) has received financing from the European Union for the implementation of the project Intra ACP GCCA + Project “Enhancing Climate Resilience in CARIFORUM Countries (FED/2018/404-539)” and intends to apply a part of the proceeds towards a works contract for the SLU WKS 20_2 “Preparation of Roof Catchment Area and plumbing from Tanks to School, Vieux Fort, Saint Lucia.”

The Centre hereby invites your firm to submit a tender for the performance of the aforementioned works, in accordance with the attached bidding documents here.

The deadline for submission is on or before on or before 5:00pm Belize Time (GMT-6), Friday July 22nd, 2022.

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