Energy Finance Consultant

Closing Date: February 15, 2023


This project deliverable aims to strengthen Guyana’s productive capacity, sustainable industrialization and socio-economic development by facilitating access to finance for the energy sector to support the implementation of Guyana’s energy plan included in the Low Carbon Development Strategy. The project intends, through analytical work and public-private partnership building, to increase modern energy services in Guyana primarily through:

  • Increasing the availability of information on investment opportunities for public and private partners
  • Enhancing the capacity of the partnerships to improve access to sustainable energy across Guyana.

Therefore, this project intends to secure 60% of Guyana’s RE share as part of the energy mix by 2030 by offering a roadmap for the energy sector to meet Guyana’s national policy goals in RE.[1] It intends to guide the Guyana government, development partners, investors and the private sector to unlock investments in the energy sector. It aims to identify least-cost pathways for developing the requisite infrastructure and shows how a possible US$ 3.8 billion of investment from a range of sources can make this possible. Specific attention is being placed on / directed to climate-resilient pathways.

To meet the 60% Renewable Energy target by 2030, stated in the energy chapter of the LCDS, a pipeline of projects has already been identified, which included adding 550MW of new capacity to the energy mix. That capacity is a mix of hydro, solar, wind and biomass. The pipeline also includes a list of projects to modernize the Transmission and Distribution (T&D) network.   


The Consultant will be responsible for developing Guyana’s Energy Investment Plan providing short-, medium- and long-term actionable recommendations to advance the financing and implementation of renewable energy assets in Guyana.

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