The health of Caribbean economies is closely related to the health of its tourism industry given that the Caribbean is the most tourism-dependent region in the world.[1], Enhancing sustainable tourism is essential for promoting economic development, poverty eradication and improvement of quality of life as set out in the Caribbean’s Tourism Strategic Plan and the Nassau Declaration on Tourism (2014), and as emphasized by World Tourism Organization[2] and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).
The Caribbean depends on visitor arrivals more than any other region in the world, with over 55M visitors in 2018. High and increasing numbers of visitors, which bring immense economic benefits, also escalate the health, safety and security risks to local populations. This is evident through the introduction and spread of new and re-emerging diseases by visitor populations, such as Norovirus, H1NI, Chikungunya and Zika. From 2010-2016, over 250 outbreaks of gastroenteritis (GI) were reported to CARPHA, of which 33% were travel related. Norovirus, first introduced via visitors, is now the most frequent cause of GI outbreaks. From 2005-2018, cases increased by 41%, mainly due to travel related illness. One outbreak in 2012 caused 1,256 illnesses, closure, travel advisories and a 30% decline in arrivals for that country. Another in 2018 affected 300 persons. A new strain (GII.4 Sydney) originating in Australia, is already reported in CMS. However, even though more people visit the Caribbean than reside (3:1 ratio), national health surveillance systems are primarily based on local populations and there is no tourism/visitor-based surveillance system to rapidly detect public health threats to trigger action to reduce or stop disease spread across and within borders.
Given the large number of visitors to the Region, and the demonstrated health safety and security risks associated with travel, there is a clear and critical need for Caribbean countries to expand their national surveillance systems to capture travel related/ visitor illnesses for more adequate disease detection leading to prevention and control as part of their core public health obligation.
Objective of the Project:
The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is as follows:
To improve public health of the Caribbean population through a reduction in morbidity associated with Zika and other mosquito-borne diseases.
If shortlisted and invited to submit a tender,
Participation in tender procedures managed by the beneficiary(ies) is open on equal terms to all natural who are nationals of and legal persons (participating either individually or in grouping-consortium – of tenderers) effectively established in a Member State or a country, territory or region mentioned as eligible by the relevant regulations/basic act governing the eligibility rules for the grant as per Annex A2a – PART II to the practical guide.
Tenderers must state their nationality in their tenders and provide the usual proof of nationality under their national legislation.
The rule does not apply to the experts proposed under the service tenders financed by the grant.
11th EDF Please be aware that after the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU, the rules of access to EU procurement procedures of economic operators established in third countries will apply to candidates or tenderers from the United Kingdom depending on the outcome of negotiations. In case such access is not provided by legal provisions in force at the time of contract award, candidates or tenderers from the United Kingdom could be rejected from the procurement procedure
Grounds for exclusion
If shortlisted and invited to submit a tender, tenderers must submit a signed declaration, included in the tender form, to the effect that they are not in any of the exclusion situations listed in Section of the practical guide.
Tenderers included in the lists of EU restrictive measures (see Section 2.4. of the PRAG) at the moment of the award decision cannot be awarded the contract.
Protection of personal data
Processing of personal data related to this procedure by the contracting authority takes place in accordance with the national legislation of the state of the contracting authority and with the provisions of the respective financing agreement.
The Request for Expression of Interest (REOI), the tender procedure and the contract relate to an external action funded by the EU, represented by the European Commission. If processing your reply to the invitation to tender involves transfer of personal data (such as names, contact details and CVs) to the European Commission, they will be processed solely for the purposes of the monitoring of the procurement procedure and of the implementation of the contract by the Commission, for the latter to comply with its obligations under the applicable legislative framework and under the financing agreement concluded between the EU and the Partner Country without prejudice to possible transmission to the bodies in charge of monitoring or inspection tasks in application of EU law. For the part of the data transferred by the contracting authority to the European Commission, the controller for the processing of personal data carried out within the Commission is
the head of legal affairs unit of DG International Cooperation and Development.
Details concerning processing of your personal data by the Commission are available on the privacy statement at:
In cases where you are processing personal data in the context of participation to a tender (e.g. CVs of both key and technical experts) and/or implementation of a contract (e.g. replacement of experts) you shall accordingly inform the data subjects of the details of the processing and communicate the above mentioned privacy statement to them.
Objective of the contract:
The objective of this contract is as follows:
To strengthen capacity for surveillance and response to vector borne disease outbreaks (specifically mosquito borne diseases).
More specifically, a Consultant will be engaged to develop one (1) new online training course for the Tourism and Health Programme, which will be hosted on CARPHA Moodle LMS.
“Surveillance and Prevention of Mosquito Borne Diseases in the Tourism Sector” targeted towards environmental health officers, public health inspectors, Hotel Operations and Safety Managers and workers, private sector vector/pest control companies, involved in vector/mosquito control.
For Legal and Natural Persons
Key Expert – Team Leader
- At least a Master’s in Public Health/Epidemiology, Medical Entomology
General Professional Experience:
- At least 2 years’ specific experience working in online instructional design with experience in developing online training and exposure to the Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle.
- At least 3 years’ experience working in public health in the areas of field epidemiology, entomology, disease surveillance and infectious disease control, disease/risk modelling, and outbreak investigation
Specific Professional Experience:
- Certified training and/or degree in online instructional design, training and development, assessment, education or a related field.
- At least 3 years’ experience in public health issues, having dealt with the cultural and political challenges faced by Caribbean or other similar territories as demonstrated by involvement in projects.
- At least 3 years’ experience working with Caribbean or similar countries will be an asset.
Non Key expert 1: Instructional Design Expert
At least a Master’s in Online Instructional Design or Educational Technology
General Professional Experience:
- At least 3 years’ specific experience working in online instructional design with experience in developing online training and exposure to the Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle.
Specific Professional Experience:
- At least 3 years’ experience in public health issues, having dealt with the cultural and political challenges faced by Caribbean or other similar territories as demonstrated by involvement in projects.
- At least 3 years’ experience working with Caribbean or similar countries will be an asset.
The maximum amount for this activity is EURO 24,800 (inclusive of incidentals)
The indicative period of the contract is: May/June 2021 to October/November 2021, a duration of five (5) months.
CARPHA invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (CV’s, brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, business profile, etc.). Suitably qualified consultants will be short-listed and invited to tender for the Project through a competitive procedure.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in English by email to the address below by
Thursday 4th March 2021 at 4.30 pm Atlantic Standard Time (AST) to:
E-mail: lalkhash@CARPHA.ORG
Following the assessment of the submissions, a shortlist of not less than three, and not more than eight applicants will be provided with the terms of reference and invited to submit technical and financial proposals to undertake the assignment. CARPHA reserves the right to reject late applications or to cancel the present invitation partially or in its entirety. It will not be bound to assign any reason for not short-listing any applicant and will not defray any costs incurred by any applicant in the preparation and submission of Expressions of Interest
Procurement Officer
Caribbean Public Health Agency
16-18 Jamaica Boulevard
Federation Park
St. Clair
Telephone: 1-868-622-4261/2
Fax: 1-868-622-2792
EOI’s must be submitted using the template in the attached PDF Document
[1] Tourism is a principal source of employment, foreign currency and economic growth in the Caribbean. World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), 2013.
[2] The management of health hazards in tourist resorts. World Tourism Organization. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 1994; 7(3):207-