Agriculture, Climate Change and Natural Resource ProgramTechnical Support Consultant

Closing Date: February 28, 2021


IICA is the specialized agency of the Inter-American System for agriculture, that supports the efforts of the Member States to achieve agricultural development and rural well-being. The Climate Change, Natural Resources and Management of Production Risks Program seeks to support the countries in the institutional strengthening, the development of technical capacities and the knowledge management that promotes a low carbon resilient agriculture.Among the initiatives of this Program are the efficient use of water, including nature-based solutions to address issues of drought, flood management and water reuse in agriculture; and the sustainable soil management, including practices that improve their health, natural fertility and biodiversity, including the improvement of soil organic carbon, as well as techniques that reverse the degradation and contamination, while increasing the productivity of the soil.All these initiatives form part of a strategic and ambitious2021 work plan for the Caribbean Region, which requires technical support to achieve deliverables related to planning, project development and execution, communication, and technical action at the local, regional and hemispheric level. The provision of technical support in soil, water and climate-related activities via this consultancy is important to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of initiatives in the Caribbean as well as to help build our future portfolio.

Objective of the consultancy

To support the planning, development, execution, and evaluation of technical cooperation actions/activities on climate change, natural resource management and soil and water management in the Caribbean region.

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