1. Strengthen the capacity of the National Designated Authority 2. Develop a strategic framework for engagement with the GCF, including preparation of a country programme

Closing Date: September 20, 2017


1. Description of services:

A. Strengthening the capacity of the NDA/FP:

Strengthen the NDA/FP’s capacity to carry out its roles and responsibilities. Strengthening will be achieved through engagement in active communication with the GCF and all stakeholders, and through training provided to the NDA staff, the scope of which will not be limited to:

i. Increase knowledge of climate change and finance priorities

ii. Establish capacity and systems to monitor, evaluate and report on the activities of the GCF and other relevant finance mechanisms and institutions

iii. Develop operational guidelines for the functioning of the NDA/FP

iv. Support the NDA/FP in understanding its roles and responsibilities

v. Establish a no-objection procedure for screening GCF funding proposals and a mechanism for the nomination of prospective Direct Access Entities (DAEs) seeking GCF accreditation

Develop a communication strategy for engagement with the GCF by all stakeholders including the design and implementation of a public awareness campaign

 Other activities may be added in accordance with the GCF’s defined scope of works for strengthening of the NDA/FP

B. Development of a strategic framework for engagement with the GCF:

Develop a country programme that includes draft concept notes of the top five (5) identified priority projects. This programme must be consistent with the NESDP (2013-2025), the SDGs, NDCs, the NEMS and other policy and strategic documents;

Review existing policy and strategic documents and identify and reduce gaps;

Identify opportunities for the private sector to execute the programming priorities for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines;

Identify and prioritise programmes and projects, including public private partnerships consistent with the GCF’s investment framework;

Identify synergies between the GCF and other development partners;

Coordinate national stakeholder consultations to include, among other things, identification of investment priorities;

Ensure that there is coherence between funding proposals and national priorities.

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