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Permit me to begin these brief opening remarks to the Seventeenth Meeting of the Ministers of the Caribbean Forum of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (CARIFORUM) by thanking the Outgoing Chair for the outstanding leadership which she gave to CARIFORUM during her tenure. As Secretary-General of both CARICOM and CARIFORUM, I had the opportunity and privilege to work closely with her. I derived great satisfaction and pride from that very fruitful and constructive working relationship.

I distinctly recall the occasion of the CARIFORUM-EU Summit on 17 May 2010 in Madrid, when Minister McClean ably led the CARIFORUM side at the Summit with the European Union (EU). Please accept again, Honourable Minister, our grateful thanks.

Today, the Honourable Wilfred Elrington, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Belize takes over as Chairperson in accordance with CARIFORUM’s established principle of rotation in alphabetical order. Minister Elrington comes well prepared to assume the mantle of chairmanship and we look forward to his successful term of Office.

I am also pleased to welcome new Ministers and Special Representatives of Member States. In this regard, I make special reference to His Excellency Mervyn Assam, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary with Responsibility for Trade and Industry in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Trinidad and Tobago – an old hand in this circle but a new member of this Council and an old friend. Welcome Ambassador Assam!

Honourable Ministers, distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, CARIFORUM is an instrument that seeks to bring the people of the wider Caribbean closer together to achieve economic growth, social cohesion, political stability, peace and security. To date, it has accomplished significant success.

These include:

the establishment of the Regional Radar Warning Network for severe weather warning which creates a network for weather forecasting right across the Caribbean, using the most modern equipment and techniques. A facility of particular relevance in these times of Climate Change. One such station in the Network is located in Belize;

    the construction of the Caribbean School of Architecture in Jamaica;


    support for airports in Dominica, British Virgin Islands, St. Vincent the Grenadines and Montserrat;


    a Caribbean University Level Programme (having trained more than 600 Caribbean nationals, at post-graduate levels, at Universities in Barbados, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago). A unique feature of this programme was its cross-cultural nature;


    construction and refurbishment of student accommodation at the University of West Indies (UWI), following destruction by a hurricane;


    support to the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) for pioneering the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE);


    support for critical Institutions such as:

        the Caribbean Epidemiological Centre (CAREC);

        the Caribbean Regional Organisations for Standards and Quality (CROSQ);

        the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ);

        the Caribbean Competition Commission (CCC); and

        the Caribbean Institute for Translation and Information (CRITI).

Today, Ministers of CARIFORUM will continue their cooperation and integration dialogue. They will discuss the 10th EDF Regional Programming and give instructions on how the Region must move to secure quicker access to the Programme Resources valued at €165 Million. These resources will support CARIFORUM Regional Priority Initiatives. In addition, Ministers will review the development of a CARIFORUM-EU Joint Partnership Strategy which will respond to changing European Union realities and new Caribbean dynamics. Ministers will also look at the establishment of an Infrastructure Trust Fund for the Caribbean which will seek to establish capacity in the areas of transport, ICT, energy, water and social infrastructure. The Ministerial Agenda is weighty yet concise. Policy directions are urgently needed so that Officials can advance the work which is required.

We must remember that the decisions made today have the potential for making significant qualitative changes in the life of the people of CARIFORUM.

It is for that reason that I remain an unrepentant advocate of CARIFORUM. I know that there is much that remains to be done to achieve its full potential.

As I step down from the position of Secretary-General of CARIFORUM – this being my last CARIFORUM Meeting in that capacity – I wish to take the opportunity to thank all those who made it possible for me to have played a central role in the establishment and operations of CARIFORUM to date and to have helped set the region on this path. I wish to make special mention of our Officials, in and out of the Secretariat, whose technical work, has laid the foundation for the progress so far achieved. In that regard, I want to express my appreciation for the Officials’ Report preparatory to this Meeting, which was duly delivered to my hotel room at 5:00 a.m. this morning. It is a measure of their devotion to duty. In this regard, let me take a moment to thank the Assistant Secretary-General for the Directorate of CARIFORUM who is taking leave of us to return to his homeland of the Dominican Republic.

I also wish to express particular thanks to the European Union for its outstanding contribution to the CARIFORUM process. I think it is fair to say that without its tremendous support, CARIFORUM would not have existed.

Today, I also want to say special thanks to Belize for hosting this important Meeting and for their wonderful hospitality.

In closing, I wish you all Honourable Ministers, Distinguished Delegates, continuing, indeed increased success, as you take CARIFORUM to further heights for the greater good of all the peoples of our Region.

I thank you.

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