The Caribbean Meteorological Institute was established in 1967 by the member states of the Caribbean Meteorological Organisation (CMO). It was amalgamated with the Caribbean Operational Hydrological Institute (COHI) in the mid-1980s to form the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH), but the name was only officially changed in September 1999 to reflect the dual role of the Institute. Responsibility for the operation of the Institute, which is located in Barbados, rests with the sixteen Commonwealth Governments which comprise the CMO.
The CIMH, originally the Caribbean Meteorological Institute, provides training for the Region’s weather observers and technicians, weather forecasters, specialists in hydrology, agrometeorology and other related disciplines.
The CIMH provides training to the Bachelor of Science degree in Meteorology in cooperation with the University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus.
The CIMH also serves as the CMO’s research and climate centre, as well as the regional instrument calibration and maintenance centre.
CIMH issues also the Caribbean Precipitation Outlook, a three month seasonal forecast for the Region.