This first publication on Climate Change Statistics for CARICOM countries contains data up to 2019 in some instances, while for other series it comprises data up to 2012/13. It aims at providing statistics on climate change for the region and follows the Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES 2013) of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and its refinements based on the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) schematic framework. The IPCC framework summarises Climate Change into five components, Drivers, Impacts, Adaptation, Mitigation and Vulnerability.
This publication is a continuation of the work that began under the CARICOM Social/Gender and Environmental Statistics Programme, which followed a project activity that was executed by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the CARICOM Secretariat from 1999 to 2003. It is also the result of a series of capacity-building activities, which were undertaken in the Region with support from the Ninth and Tenth European Development Fund (EDF,) which aimed to strengthen capacity and to address the data gaps in selected areas of Environment Statistics. The publication also aims to highlight the data gaps existing in each of the five components.
See also Regional Statistics Programme
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