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Haiti (Presidential Council)

Key facts

Date of Membership in CARICOM: 1 Jul 2002

Also Known as:The Pearl of the Caribbean

Status of Independence:Independent 2001/12/13

Area: 27,750 square kilometres (10,714 square miles)

Capital City: Port-au-Prince

Population: 10.32 million (2013)

Currency: Gourde dollars

Highest National Award: (National order of Honour and Merit of the Grand Cross and Golden Plaque)


GDP: 21,177Mn (2012)

GDP Growth: 2.8% 2013 – 14

GNI: : 17.7 billion PPP dollars (2013)

GNI PC: US4 1,730

GDP per Capita: EC$530 million (1996)

Key dates in history

1492    Arrival of Columbus on island called `Quisqueya’ by Tiano (Arawak) Indians; renames its `Isla Hispaniola’
1697    Island divided, western one third originally called  AYITI (Land of high ground) by Arawaks and Caribs; ceded to France – called `Ste Domingue’
1791    Slave revolt begins against France
1804    Independence achieved. Jean-Jacques Dessalines, first ruler; renames it Haiti, based on original name
1915- 34    American invasion and occupation
1957        Dr Francois Duvalier (Papa Doc) elected President
1986    Era of Dr. Francois Duvalier’s dictatorship ends
1990    First free presidential elections, Fr. Jean-Bertrand Aristide elected
1991    Aristide overthrown by army
1994    Aristide returned to power under US and CARICOM protection

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