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Quasi-Cabinet Responsibility:
Labour (Including intra-Community Movement of Skills)

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Key facts

Date of Membership in CARICOM: 1 May 1974

Also Known as:Nature Island of the Caribbean

Status of Independence:Independent 1978/11/03

Area: 750 km2 (290 miles2)

Capital City: Roseau

Population: 71,898 (2009)

Currency: Eastern Caribbean Dollar

Highest National Award: Sisserou Award of Honour


GDP: EC$771.0 Mn (2004)

GDP Growth: –0.5% p.a. 2009–13

GNI: US$493m

GNI PC: US$6,760

GDP per Capita: EC$11,045 (2004)

Key dates in history

1493 Arrival of Columbus on island called Wai’tukubuli’ (tall is her body) by Caribs and Arawaks. Named Dominica Spanish translation of Sunday (Domingo)- the day Columbus first sighted the island

1660 Agreement between Britain and France to leave island to the Caribs

1783 Finally ceded to Britain following numerous exchanges between Britain and France

1871 Incorporated into Leeward Islands Federation

1939 Transferred from Leeward to Windward Islands Federation

1967 Associated Statehood with Britain (full internal self-government) within the West Indies Associated States (WISA) Edward Oliver Lablanc, first Premier

1978 Independent Republic within the Commonwealth. Patrick John, first Prime Minister

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