The CCC has launched an investigation into the agreement by Cable and Wireless Communications (Plc (“CWC”) to acquire Columbus International Inc.
The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) institution which has responsibility for ensuring that the benefits expected from the establishment of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy are not frustrated by anti-competitive business conduct, has issued a statement.
The statement, inter alia, notes that the focus of the investigation will be on how the agreement impacts competition in the telecommunications sector of several Member States of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).
Read full statement
The CARICOM Competition Commission (“the Commission”) advises the public of the launch of an investigation into the agreement by Cable and Wireless Communications Plc (“CWC”) to acquire Columbus International Inc. (“Columbus”) pursuant to
Article 175 (6) of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas (RTC).
This statement from the the Commission provides a further update to our statement on the preliminary examination process published on 01 June 2015 on and issued to media organisations.
The Commission arrived at this determination pursuant to Article 176 (4) of the RTC based on:
- the findings of the preliminary examination of the “Agreement” conducted; and
- having received no objection from the Member States regarding the jurisdiction of the Commission to investigate this matter.
The investigation will focus on the impact of the Agreement on competition in the telecommunications sector of members of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) which comprise the Eastern Caribbean Telecommunications Authority (ECTEL).
The Commission has appointed an Investigating Panel in accordance with
paragraph 2 of Rule 4 of the CARICOM Competition Commission Rules of Procedure 2011, to coordinate the investigation into this matter. The Rules can be viewed at
The Commission expects to complete the investigation within 120 working days with the cooperation of all stakeholders as set out under Article 175 (6) (b) or where circumstances warrant extend the time under Article 176 (6) (c) of the RTC.
Dated: 27 May, 2016
CARICOM Competition Commission
Hendrikstraat 69, Paramaribo, Suriname
Tel: (597) 491-455; 491-470 / Fax: (597) 530-639
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