Press Releases

CARICOM to Launch Online CSME Platforms

(CARICOM Secretariat, Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, Guyana)      The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat will officially launch four (4) online platforms on Monday 25 October 2017.  These online platforms have been developed to help make the benefits of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) more accessible to CARICOM Nationals.

They were created with the assistance of  the Tenth European Development Fund (10th EDF) Grant Agreement between the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the European Union (EU). 
These electronic platforms are:

  1. The Labour Market Information Systems (LMIS)
  2. The Regional platform for online Companies Registries Systems (ROCRS)
  3. The Community Public Procurement Notice Board (CPPNB); and National Advertising Portals for 13 Member States; and
  4. The CARICOM Rapid Alert System for the Exchange of Information on Dangerous (non-food) Consumer Goods (CARREX) Upgraded Platform and Public Portal.

They are intended to provide an online database and repository of regional labour market statistics, public procurement opportunities, information on the registration of companies, business names and other entities; and alerts and notifications on dangerous and harmful products in the Community.

During the official launch, there will be remarks and addresses by officials from the CARICOM Secretariat, representatives of the International Development Partners and a CARICOM Member State. Presentations on the platforms will be made by the technical officers from the CARICOM Secretariat, with interventions where necessary by project consultants who will join via the online streaming platforms. Arrangements will be made for the national focal and contact points for the four (4) projects in all Member States to participate via the online streaming platforms.  Contact points from the line Ministries in Barbados and representatives from regional institutions, the private sector and civil society organisations resident in Barbados will be invited to the launch. 




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