Under the auspices of the Office of the Deputy Secretary-General, Dr Manorma Soeknandan, with assistance from the Canadian Executive Service Organisation (CESO), the CARICOM Secretariat will deliver the first training with a broad focus on writing with impact, conducted from 30 August to 9 September 2016.
Participants will benefit from modules that will be theoretically and practically delivered on report writing, speech writing and writing of briefs.
This initiative is the result of a needs assessment conducted in 2015, with support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). That assessment concluded with recommendations for training in specific areas, based on interactions with staff.
A programme has also been designed for all senior and junior managers, as well as supervisors, who will benefit from a workshop facilitated by the Caribbean Leadership Project, titled “Leadership All Possibilities”.
The CARICOM Secretariat is in the service of the Community and its Member States.