(CARICOM Secretariat, Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, Guyana) The Caribbean Community Secretariat in partnership with Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) is launching a competition among Caribbean Media in the reporting and documentation of activities related to the observance of Caribbean Wellness Day on 12 September 2009.
The annual event, which focuses on reducing Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (CNCDs), will be observed under the theme Love that Body, and is expected to build on last year's inaugural Caribbean Wellness Day.
At least 16 Caribbean countries are going full speed ahead with preparations to promote healthy lifestyles through physical activity and to “make every day a wellness day.”
To this end, Media houses will be expected to produce photographic coverage, video and print features and documentaries on Caribbean Wellness Day celebrations and activities in their respective countries and / or of physical activity initiatives started since CWD last year, and maintained in the community on an on-going basis.
Guidelines for the competition are outlined below:
GUIDELINES Competition to Document CWD09
Background: Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (CNCDs) today account for about 60 percent of morbidity and mortality in the Caribbean, producing major suffering and costs for individuals, families, governments, and businesses. Chronic diseases have a disproportionate impact on the poor, further exacerbating health inequities.
Caribbean Heads of Government, in response to the heavy burden of NCDs on the citizens of the region, issued the Port-of-Spain Declaration in September 2007, “Uniting to Stop the Epidemic of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases,” and declared that the second Saturday in September should be celebrated each year as Caribbean Wellness Day. So CWD will be celebrated in the region for the second time on September 12th 2009.
Objective: To produce photographic coverage or print and video features and documentaries on Caribbean Wellness Day celebrations and activities in your country and / or of physical activity initiatives started since CWD last year, and maintained in the community on an on-going basis – making every day a wellness day.
The Competition:
An expert group of media personalities from at least 3 different Caribbean countries will be asked to vote for the best 3 or 4 candidates in each of the following categories:
1. Photographic coverage of CWD activities
2. Video stories of CWD activities
3. Human interest video stories of healthy living
4. Print features of up to 1,000 words reporting on activities of CWD in your country
Based on the following criteria:
• Technical excellence
• Effectiveness of communication
• Relevance
• Educational/motivational qualities
Each of the winners (up to 16 entries) will each receive US$500 prize. You can enter more than once, and in more than one category.
Contract release:
Copyright of the entries will fall to CARICOM and may be used in whole or in part in other products. Where your work is used, you will be acknowledged in the credits.
- All entries are to be submitted electronically to dcampbell@caricom.org
- Decision of the judges is final.
- Names of winners and winning entries will be placed on www.paho.org/cwd09
Declaration of Port of Spain : Uniting to stop the epidemic of NDCs
Red Dress Campaign to increase awareness about heart disease in women
See: Global Dialogue for information on effective stop smoking campaigns.
Diabetes Prevention Program educational series to delay/prevent diabetes.
WHO Advocacy toolkit for Non communicable diseases
World Health Organization. Preventing Chronic Diseases ― A Vital Investment. Geneva: WHO, 2005
Nassau Declaration on Health 2001 The Health of the Region is the Wealth of the Region
Livable stree
WHO and PAHO, Information
PAHO/WHO: Regional Strategy and Plan of Action on an Integrated Approach to the Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases, Including Diet, Physical Activity, and Health. CD 47/17, 2006 http://www.paho.org/english/ad/dpc/nc/reg-strat-CNCDs.htm
The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion http://www.who.int/healthpromotion/conferences/previous/ottawa/en/index1.html
MPOWER: 6 Policies to reverse the tobacco epidemic http://www.who.int/tobacco/mpower/mpower_report_six_policies_2008.pdf
Tobacco Fact Sheet http://www.who.int/tobacco/fctc/tobacco%20factsheet%20for%20COP4.pdf
Pan American Tobacco Information Online System http://www.paho.org/tobacco/CountriesTopic.asp
Monteiro, Maristela G. Alcohol and public health in the Americas: a case for action. PAHO, © 2007
World Business Council for Sustainable Development. The Business of Health, The Health of Business Feb 2006
Working Towards Wellness: The Business Rationale. World Economic Forum, PricewaterhouseCoopers 2008