Several supportive measures are in place to help the CSME function effectively, including a robust competition legislation and policy framework, consumer protection, the promotion and protection of intellectual property rights, ICT, and transportation.
The 47th Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government, set for 3-5 July 2024 in Grenada, is expected to provide an update on full Free Movement. At the 45th Meeting of the Conference, which coincided with CARICOM’s 50th anniversary, the Heads of Government decided to work toward free movement of all CARICOM nationals within the Community.
In that Decision, the Heads of Government underscored the need for basic safeguards for CARICOM nationals who will exercise the right to full free movement, when the provision comes into effect. At the 46th Meeting of the Conference in February in Guyana, the Heads received a report on the work of the reconstituted Inter-Governmental Task Force (ITGF), which is working tirelessly to facilitate the implementation of the resolution on full free movement. Heads reemphasized that draft modifications to the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas should include basic protections for nationals. Against this backdrop, they asked the IGTF and the Legal Affairs Committee to intensify their work ahead of a Special Meeting of the Conference in March 2024.